Comparison of Septoplasty with and without Nasal Packing: Its Association with Post-Operative Nasal Adhesion Formation
Objective: To compare the septoplasty with and without nasal packing in patients having deviated nasal septum in terms of frequency of post-operative nasal adhesion.
Patients and Methods: In this randomized control trial, total 180 patients of deviated nasal septum (DNS) associated with persistent nasal obstruction, breathing difficulty, sinonasal infections were enrolled and admitted in the department of ENT, Head and Neck Surgery, Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad. Patients were randomly divided into “Group A” (Septoplasty with nasal packing) and “Group B” (septoplasty without nasal packing) by lottery method. Demographic data was recorded. Septoplasty was performed under general anaesthesia. Nasal splints were applied at the end of procedure. Packing was removed postoperatively from „Group A‟ patients after 24 hours. Development of post-operative nasal adhesion was calculated superlatively for both the groups. Data was recorded and analysis was done using SPSS version 19. Chi square test was used to compare the two groups. P value < 0.05 was taken as significant.
Results: Our study comprised 180 patients which were divided into 2 groups equally (n=90 each). Patient‟s age ranged from 17– 45 years. Mean age was 22.77±6.038. Male to female ratio was 2:1. Total males were 125 (69.4%) and females were 55 (30.6%). In “Group A” 64 (71.1%) were male and 26 (28.9%) were female while in “Group B” 61 (67.8 %) were male and 29 (32.2%) were females. Septoplasty was done in all 180 patients out of which 125 (64 in Group A and 61 in Group B) were male whereas 55 (26 in Group A and 29 in Group B) were female. Nasal adhesion was seen in 13 (14.44%) patients of group A, while 3 (3.33%) patients of group B developed the same. P value was 0.005 which is statistically significant.
Conclusion: Septoplasty with nasal packing has more chances to develop nasal adhesion as compared to septoplasty done without packing.
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