Frequency of Surgical Impactions of Mandibular Third Molar in Orthodontic Patients with Different Antegonial Notching
Background: Few studies have been reported so far on the frequency of lower third molar impactions in patients with different morphological characteristics. Our aim in this study was to find out the frequency of impacted lower third molars in orthodontic patients with different antegonial notch depths.
Material and Methods: This cross-sectional research was conducted at Orthodontics Department of Dental Section, Faisalabad Medical University, Faisalabad, and de’Montmorency College of Dentistry, Lahore, Pakistan from June 2017 to June 2019. A total of 60 orthopantomograms (OPGs) of patients with impacted lower third molars were included. The depth of antegonial notch was calculated on all the selected OPGs by measuring distance between the deepest area of the notch cavity and the tangent on the inferior border of the mandible. The patients with depth of antegonial notch of 1 mm or less were labeled as having shallow antegonial notch, while those with 3 mm or more were considered as having deep antegonial notch. Percentages and mean + SD were calculated for different variables. Depth of antegonial notching was compared between genders using ANOVA with P-value <0.5 considered as significant.
Results: Of 60 orthodontic patients, there was an equal number of male and female patients (n=30). The average age of the patients was 25.5±4 years. Overall frequency of impactions was similar in both the genders and frequency of impacted lower third molars was found to be greater in patients with deeper antegonial notches.
Conclusion: Mandibular third molar impactions were most frequent in orthodontic patients with deep antegonial notches
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