Vaccination Status and Clinical Spectrum of Children with Pyogenic Meningitis in A Tertiary Care Hospital of Hazara Division, Pakistan
Background: Pyogenic meningitis is one of the serious causes of mortality and morbidity in children. It is more prevalent in third world countries with poor vaccination coverage. This study was done to determine the vaccination status and clinical spectrum of pyogenic meningitis in children presenting to a tertiary care hospital.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out from August, 2017 till January, 2020 over 2.5 years. Records of children who got admitted in pediatric B ward, of either gender between ages of 1 month to 14 years diagnosed as case of pyogenic meningitis were included. Records of vaccination status along with signs of meningeal irritation, complications and outcome during hospital stay were documented. Data was analyzed by SPSS 20 and chi square test applied. P value < 0.05 was taken as significant.
Results: There were 117 patients, 78 males and 39 females. Age ranged from 1 month to 14 years with mean age of 5.51± 4.19 years. Patients who were vaccinated up to date were 49.6% and 37.6% were not vaccinated at all. Main presenting feature was fever and seizures especially under one year of age. There was significant association between seizures and age group with p value of 0.001. Signs of meningeal irritation (neck stiffness, brudzinski sign, kerning sign) and paradoxical irritability were present in 85 (72.6%) patients mostly above 1 year of age. There was significant association between signs of meningeal irritation and age group (5 years and above) with p value of <0.001. 110 (94%) got discharged and one (0.9%) patient was referred while 6 (5.1%) patients expired. There was significant association between stay duration and vaccination status. (p = 0.018)
Conclusion: Fever was the most common presentation and vaccinated children with pyogenic meningitis had shorter stay in hospital.
Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of Islamabad Medical & Dental College

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