Assessment of Agility in Elderly Population of Islamabad

  • Maheen Khan Student, Doctors in Physical Therapy, Foundation University Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences, Islamabad
  • Sana Bashir Student, Doctors in Physical Therapy, Foundation University Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences, Islamabad
  • Humaira Hussain Student, Doctors in Physical Therapy, Foundation University Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences, Islamabad
  • Tayyaba Saman Student, Doctors in Physical Therapy, Foundation University Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences, Islamabad
  • Rida Fatima Student, Doctors in Physical Therapy, Foundation University Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences, Islamabad
  • Hina Shafi Assistant Professor, Foundation University Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences, Islamabad
Keywords: Agility, older adults, physical fitness


Background: Agility is considered as one of the important components of physical fitness. In older adults, it is of utmost importance in response to any stimulus. The objective of this study was to determine normative values of agility in elderly population of Islamabad.

Methods: A Cross-Sectional Survey was conducted in community settings of Islamabad from February–July 2019 after approval by the Ethical Review Committee of Foundation University Islamabad.  The calculated sample size was found to be 267, but due to missing data, analysis was done on 250(100 females and 150 males).   Participants were selected by convenient sampling. Physically independent participants were included and diseased population (severe musculoskeletal, neurological, and cardiopulmonary disorders), decreased functional status affecting hearing, vision, memory recall was excluded from the study. PAR-Q was utilized in uncovering any possible health risks linked to exercise. For evaluation of agility, the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD) Agility Test was performed. Agility scoring is based on time in seconds, with higher score representing less agility, and agility score of less than 62 represents good agility. Data were analyzed through SPSS version 21.

Results: The mean age, BMI and agility score of participants were 60.7±5.81 years, 26±4.30 kg/m² and 22.42±5.2 respectively. There was significant difference (P<0.001) in agility between males and females, with the mean agility score higher in females as compared to males. Similarly, Agility score was significantly high in females as compared to males in BMI range of 18.5 to >30 and all age categories.

Conclusion: Elderly population of Pakistan has good agility score

Author Biography

Maheen Khan, Student, Doctors in Physical Therapy, Foundation University Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences, Islamabad

Student, Doctors in Physical Therapy

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