Adenosquamous Carcinoma of Gallbladder – A Case Report

  • Nosheen Nabi Pathologist, Excel Laboratory, Islamabad
  • Aamer Mehmood Consultant Pathologist, Excel Laboratory, Islamabad
  • Naseer Ahmed CEO, Chief Pathologist, Excel Laboratory
Keywords: Adenosquamous, carcinoma, cholelithiasis, Gallbladder.


Gallbladder cancer is an uncommon malignancy and majority of these carcinomas are adenocarcinomas. Adenosquamous carcinoma of gallbladder is a rare histopathological subtype of gallbladder carcinoma. It usually presents with symptoms of cholelithiasis like epigastric pain, nausea and bloating. On clinical examination, tenderness is usually present. Radiologically in most of the cases, gallstones are found leading to the diagnosis of cholelithiasis for which cholecystectomy is done. Gallbladder carcinomas are found mostly as an incidental finding on microscopic examination of cholecystectomy specimen. This disease is curable if diagnosed earlier but in most of the cases they present at advanced stages when resection is not possible and prognosis is poor. As this disease is extremely rare so published information is largely based on the case reports and case series. This is a case of 60 years old female patient who underwent cholecystectomy for cholelithiasis with incidental finding of Adenosquamous carcinoma on histopathology report.
