Comparative Benefits of Tissue Marking by Poster Ink in Histopathology

  • Dr. Ayesha Sarwar Assistant professor Pathology HBS Medical & Dental College, Islamabad
  • Prof. Ashok Kumar Tanwni HOD Pathology , HBS Medical & Dental College, Islamabad
  • Dr. Anum Usman Assistant Professor Pathology, ANMC & H Isra University,Islamabad
  • khalida Moeed Assistant Professor Loralai Medical College Loralai, Baluchistan
Keywords: Eosin, India ink, Resection Margins


Background: Tissue margin marking with India ink is important in decision making for surgeons. The present study was conducted to examine the reliability of different shades of locally available poster colours in tissue marking and to evaluate the colour perceptibility microscopically in comparison with similar tissues marked by India ink.

Methodology: This experimental study was conducted at Department of Pathology, HBS Medical & Dental College & Hospital, Islamabad from 27th February 2021 to 29th April 2021. Sample size was fifty, collected through convenient sampling technique. Five types of formalin fixed tissue specimens were selected for the study so as to evaluate the effectiveness of poster ink marking on different tissue surfaces. From each specimen, four sections were taken from the margins. Three shades of poster colour (black, blue and green) were used to ink three sections while one section from each tissue type was marked with India ink. After complete tissue processing and routine haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining, slides were examined microscopically. Scoring was done on a scale 0 to 3 on the basis of visibility.

Results: The present study showed that poster colours inking of the tissues was quite reliable as compared to India ink. Most consistent results were achieved with black and blue colours as compared to green colour.

Conclusion: Poster colours are reliable tool for tissue marking when India ink is not available. Their availability in a variety of colours provides them an edge over India ink.

Key words: Eosin, India ink, Resection Margins

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