Isolated Amoebic Abscess of Spleen

  • Saira Bano Resident Radiology. Social Security Hospital Islamabad
Keywords: Trophozoites., Abscess, Extraintestinal amebiasis, Spleen, Entameoba histolytica


Amoebic liver abscess is the most common extra intestinal manifestation of amebiasis. Amoebic abscess of spleen is a rare disease and cases of isolated abscess of spleen have rarely been reported in literature. We report a case of 52-year female, who presented with history of high grade fever, weight loss and malaise. Her ultrasound a showed a welldefined, thin-walled hypoechoic lesion in spleen and High Dose Contrast Enhanced Computer Tomography(CECT) abdomen revealed a well-defined cystic lesion within the spleen with thin enhancing rim. Ultrasound guided aspiration of splenic abscess was done and showed clusters of trophozoites in the wall of the cavity. She received treatment for amebiasis for one month and reported with resolution of symptoms. Post treatment repeat ultrasound also revealed resolution of abscess.  

Case Reports