The Assessment of Self Care Practices amongst Diabetic Patients of Rawalpindi, Pakistan

  • Rubab Zulfiqar Department of Public Health, NUMS
  • Sumaira Masood Foundation University Medical College, Islamabad Pakistan.
  • humaira Mahmood AFPGMI NUMS
  • Uzma Hassan NUMS
  • Bibi Razia Bano AFPGMI NUMS
  • Rimsha Tahreem AFPGMI NUMS
Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, Pakistan, Self-Care, Self- Management, Survey


Background: Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease and with rapidly increasing prevalence, it requires continuous diabetic care beyond just glycemic control. It needs continuous self-management and multi factorial risk reduction strategies. This study aims to assess the self-care practices of diabetic patients living in Rawalpindi and to determine the relationship of sociodemographic characteristics with their self-care practices.

Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted in two private diabetic clinics of Rawalpindi from February to July 2022. A validated structured questionnaire using Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities (SDSCA) scale was administered to assess self-care practices of the study participants. A total of 230 participants through convenience sampling aged 25 to 86 years were recruited in the survey. SPSS version 22 was used to carry out the statistical analysis.

Results: The current study comprised of 107(46.5%) males and 123 (53.5%) females with mean age of 54.85 ±12.41 years.  Among them, 65.2% had adequate self-care practices. It was found that marital status (p=0.004), educational status (p=0.002), monthly income (p=0.001) and duration of diabetes (p=0.006) were significantly associated with self-care practices of the participants.

Conclusion: More than half of the participants had adequate self-care practices. Sociodemographic variables like marital status, education, monthly household income and duration of diabetes were significantly associated with the self-care practices of diabetic patients.

Key words: Diabetes Mellitus, Pakistan, Self-Care, Self- Management, Survey

Author Biographies

Rubab Zulfiqar, Department of Public Health, NUMS

Lecturer, Department of Public Health, NUMS

humaira Mahmood, AFPGMI NUMS

Associate Professor at AFPGMI NUMS

Uzma Hassan, NUMS

Professor at Public Health Department NUMS

Bibi Razia Bano, AFPGMI NUMS


Rimsha Tahreem, AFPGMI NUMS


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