Assistant Editor



Master of Public Health (MPH)

Bachelors of Dentistry



Sajjad S,Rehman M,Roshan R. Knowledge, attitude and practices of primary school teachers regarding oral health in public and private schools of Rawalpindi. Pak Armed Forces Med J 2016; 66(3):371-76

Sajjad S, Azam S. Oral health education in public schools of Rawalpindi city. Pakistan Orthodontic Pak Oral & Dental Journal .2015; 7(2):66-9. Available from:

Tanvir SSajjad S, Roshan R. Awareness levels of prevention of cardiac diseases in general population of Rawalpindi and requirement of health education. Journal of public Health.DOI: 1016/j.puhe.2018.01.006 (International)

Sajjad S, Haroon S, Mumtaz R. Oral hygiene practices in primary school children and their teachers in a peri-urban locality of Islamabad. Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal [Internet]. 24May2018 [cited 6Nov.2018]; 38(1):71-4. Available from:

Qazi S, Mumtaz R, Sajjad S. Service quality assessment at a public dental hospital Islamabad. Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal [Internet]. 31Dec.2017 [cited 6Nov.2018]; 37(4):604-7. Available from:

Roshan R, Imran M, Sajjad S Ethical issues in randomized control trials; a review. Journal of Medicine, Physiology and Biophysics ISSN 2422-8427.(International

Mumtaz R Qazi S, Sajjad S .Balancing Profession, Family and Cultural Norms by Women Dentists in Pakistan Vol.6 No.5, May 2018 DOI:10.4236/jss.2018.65013 (International)

Mumtaz R, Haroon S, Sajjad S, masoud S, hashmi J. Ergonomics knowledge and practices of dental interns in Islamabad. Pakistan oral & dental journal 2018; 38(3):341-4. Available from: