Assessment of Inhaler Use Techniques among the Patients of Chronic Obstructive Lung Diseases at a Government Hospital of Islamabad
Objective: To study the frequency of incorrect techniques used for Metered Dose Inhalers in patients with chronic obstructive lung diseases.
Study Design: Cross-sectional, Observational Study
Place And Duration Of Study: The study was conducted for six months from Ist March 2019 to 31st August 2019, on all patients with chronic obstructive lung diseases visiting the outpatient department of Medicine in Federal Government Polyclinic (FGPC) Hospital as a part of their regular follow-up.
Methodology: All patients visiting the outdoor clinic were checked for their inhaler technique which was explained to them as a 6-step procedure. The record of using the inhaler correctly or otherwise was noted in a proforma.
Results: A total number of 250 patients were included in the study with their ages between 13-70 years. Mean age of patients was 46.5±15.7 years. A total of 6 steps of the inhalation technique were observed. The mean number of steps followed was 3.8±1.4. Incorrect inhaler technique (≤5 steps) was adopted by 220 patients (88%) and correct technique (6 steps) was adopted by only 30 patients (12%). Stratification for age, gender, duration of disease, education, marital status, occupation, and Body Mass Index (BMI) was also carried out.
Conclusion: This study demonstrated that a significant no of patients could not perform the inhalation technique correctly. This implies the need for their clinicians to make it imperative during their follow-up visits to check their inhaler technique periodically.
Metered dose inhalers (MDI), Chronic obstructive lung disease (COLD), Correct technique
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